Monday 3 March 2014

Allahu Ahad

It's been a while since our last salam salam cium laga pipi & say Hi akak gedik ! Hi budak2 nakal kan ? Hai kekanak Ribena kan ? 😅 I miss you all !

It's been a while juga since akak last sharing dgn korang 😪 

Da lama nak datang. Dah lama nak jumpa. Busy - ini alasan. Hectic life - lagi alasan. W/p memang betul 😅

                      I miss this :) 
    *zau busy sem ni susah nak dapat 
     Jumpa lama :(*
    *alyaa amek gambar jadi takde 
     Gambar soryy liyaaaa --" hehe*
    *iylia tayah merajuk takde gambar eh.   Haha tak muat. Gambar lain semua besar masuk dlm blogspot ni --" belum pro lagi baru nak try blogpost apps utk phone :p*

" Korang sihat imaan sihat ? Lama kita tak jumpa time exam."
" How's life ? Ada gadoh2 kecik2 hati lagi? 😉 ke ada yg kecik hati sampai nangis2 lagi ?! Ahak hehe "
" Ada nak sharing cerita hati dgn akak ke this week ? 😝😋😆 " 
Keeeee jom g jalan, makan2 😊
- I miss these thingy. Dengan korang 😘

Nahhhh ~ hear for this. Akak pernah share. Tapi nak share lagi sekali. 

Selalu akak share memang benda yg terkesan dgn hati. Yang akak rasa akak sendiri perlu perbaiki benda tu dalam diri sendiri. Yang bila tgk video / note tu rasa bertambah imaan & kuat kan hati utk terus perbaiki diri.

Tgk & dengar kan balik video tu k ? :')

Allahu Ahad .
It's easy to say Allah is the One. But is He the One in my heart ? 

When you don't find him, you'll find something else. And you will run after it and you will give your life to it. 

Ingat selalu. Pesan dekat diri selalu. 
"Dunya, it's tiring. For you to run for it for you to run over it, memenatkan sangat.
Akak cakap dgn pengalaman. Tu sebab perbaharui niat penting. Utk kita tahu sebab kenapa kita bertindak sesuatu utk perihal dunia. Agar ia tak merugikan kita masa di hisab 😭😪 nau'zubillahi min zalik. 

At the end of the lecture, it's important for you to know that
(1)  nothing more important to is other that He, being pleased with us.
(2) & that He would forgive us & talk to us on the Day of Judgement. 

Mashaa Allah. La haula wala quwwata ilah billah. Astagfirullahal Azimm.

Itu sahaja for now :) 

Take care then, semua 😊


  1. dah baca ! heee. thnkyou akk ! :)

  2. dah baca ! heee. thnkyou akk ! :)

  3. Assalamualaikum kak Putrimira =)
    ingat saya lagi tak? hihi. subhanallah. nice writing

  4. Wsalam wr fatin filzati =D heeyyyy akak ingat hehe Its good to hear from you alhamdullilah !
    Its been a while since our last contact with each other kan ? hehe. last time akak form 5 la kan heh.
    how life ? belajar mana sekarang ?
    whatever it is, may Allah ease your journey in everything dear =)
