Menyelak nyelak "open diary", lame sgt tak menulis dah. Kadang kadang monolog pulak yg terlebih ! Hasilnya.. bersarangla semua deep inside my mind. ^^
Click on it ! play ~
Buka Semangat Baru. By Ello, Ipang,Berrus St Loco Lala.
Credit buat si molek cheese cake ! >
This post is actually untuk budak kechik nih. :p terime kaseh sebab terus support akak. alwayz stay by ur kakak side :p hehe
Pelik. aneh. tapi, cukup selesa dengan kehadiran awk yang biasa biasa tuh. :p gaya yg lucu, cara yg selambe ! itu sentiasa awk yang unik tersendiri. Lawak yang tercipta & ketawa yg terbit kadang kadang cukup menenteramkan sekeping hati. Cukup damai. ^^
Bak kate pepatah (bace ikut slang awk), " kate pun tak kenal, mane nak cinta pun kak oiii ! :p" haha~
Kawan kawan, cube hayati lagu dekat atas nih. Teringat mase kali pertama dengar lagu nih, message yg cukup halus ! Dalam tersenyum, saya tersentak , kuat !
Mira Jasmi Tan, Kuatkan tekad! Nekadkan hati !
Tajdid niat ! Renew ur Niah !
ia bertapak di dalam hati .
Uluwwul Himmah : " Orang yang punyai semangat, ia akan mencintai semua yang dihadapinya.”
Al Jailani : “ Gerakan adalah permulaan, sedangkan diam adalah penghabisan.”
Bangkitkan ruh himmah anda !
Taqarrub billah ! Dekati la Dia yang sentiasa ada untuk kamu.♥
Sepanjang sem nih, banyak video & lagu yang buat diri cukp tersentuh & bersemangat. Omputeh kate, " Action speak louder than word ! " But this time, I'm gonna change it ! :')
Music express more than just a word ! :p
sedap tak ? weeeee~ believe de statement ? if yes, yessszzzaa!:')
kalau tak, takperlah.. try on it & u sure gonna believe it ! :p [muke yakin kowt.. :p hehe]
kalau tak, takperlah.. try on it & u sure gonna believe it ! :p [muke yakin kowt.. :p hehe]
Nak share 1 kenakalan budak nih : de message goes " insyaAllah, akak boleyh ! chayok chayok! dengar nih * Akak boleyh , Malaysia boleh, Melaka boleyh ! " hahahahahaha....
[ in braket , dia sgt nakal & tak betul suis ! :p kesengetan yg terang , jelas tanpa bersuluh :p haha~]
Eip, 1 more to share. Hampir hampir je nak terlupe ! :')
Its UMMAH TOWN ! Every SUNDAY, make sure you listen to it !
Airing every Sunday 6.30pm on 96.9 FM or online @
A bit intro about them.
Learn. Laugh. Live. Listen to the hottest Islamic beats. Get to know your fellow Muslims. Express yourself creatively. Or just have a few laughs!
Hesham and AJ are a Kiwi brother & sister duo who are determined to create a fresh community approach to radio amongst the younger Muslim generation. They grew up overseas and so coming from mixed parentage they have a deep appreciation of diverse communities. In April Nada joined the DJ team.
Ummah Town takes a community approach to informative entertainment, while providing a space for the local community to express themselves creatively on air. This could be through music, comedy or any other audio talent. The programme also hopes to project a light-hearted and informative view of Islam, as opposed to the negative view too often seen in mainstream media.
On-air every Sunday @ 6.30pm. Tune in to PlainsFM 96.9 (Christchurch) or listen online Missed the show? Find all the podcasts at UmmahTown .
To know more , log on to
Click on it !
hear for this one pulak ! :') nice ...
hear for this one pulak ! :') nice ...
Love and Ambition , it's a passion !
Cinta & Cita cita - Its a passion ! [look up there....:') ]
A short post after 3 months. Hope u guys gonna like it. Yet stil, i've express it de way i am. :')
In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love ♥
Quoted by "cheese cake"
Exactly !
Lastly, let de pictures narrates...:') miss & love them forever, insyaAllah..
Exactly !
Lastly, let de pictures narrates...:') miss & love them forever, insyaAllah..
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Nih gambar mase kechik lagi. siap ade puting lagi. Orang nak naek pentas , die pun nak naek. Naek pentas maen loyyyyyiiii loooyyyiiii (lorry) haha~ |
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"Achik memei, Una nak makan ayaaaaaaam. :p una nak ayam." nih scene before mlm makan besar CNY. kesian atuk & nenek kene jugak kuar bawak si kechik nih. :p muke craving tak tahaaaaannn.. :p hehe~ una unaaaa.. |
Note : counting few hours to gooooooooo.... a birthday and another birthday.... It's Him and her.
Hope u aware ur birthday besties :p. ^^
Mukjizat Balaghah Al-Quran & Sejauh Mana Kemampuan Kalam Arab Menandingi Kalam Allah