Saturday, 20 June 2009

~Orientation wEek~

that's da first thing 2 say...
Teringat kat kate2 tiqa 1 mase dlu.....
" memei, boleh jadi jga bdy yang x serasi ngan jiwa akn makin merapatkan hbgn kite dengan Allah"
Wak2 kaki melangkah ke MMU 4 da first tyme...
I've set in my mind....
apePon yang bakal terjd kat cni,
i have 2 be strOng..n never give up....
Alwayz bear in mind that Allah alwyz watching my single step...
and Allah will alwayz be with me....
HE will never left me....:>
Berkat dOa....
i've gone through this OrientatiOn weeK....
of course a lOt of different cOmpare with my OrientatiOn during secOndary school n at matrikulasi Melaka...
at hEre..
our OC (Orientation Commitee) threat us juz like an adult..:>
There is a lOt of fun n jOyness....
n da best stil...
da 2009/2010 bEst GrOup - our Green "MACHOCHO MONKEYS"!!!!..hehe...
we really get de best n spOrting Oc ever!!!!
dO miss u guys OC....
PAPA monkey-vicky,Predeesha (my lovely OC), Alicia(hyperactive mONkey)...
AfrO hair(dOn't remember his name!!..hehe)....mAt Top...Richard,Kevin
amirul, uNcle yEOh..Andrew n all other OCs....
sOry! can't remember all!!!hehe....
that's de mOst happening Orientation week u knOw???.....huhu...
ok2.....back 2 our natiOnal language k:>...
beRkat bantuan n pertOlongan tiQA...
mei dpt prOgram usrah n tarbiyah kat cni.....
knOw wat tiqa?
kakak 2 org kak dayah...
a very nice wOman (at first i thought she is a girl)....
juz can't believe when she said she is a mOther of a 1 years old kiD!!!!!hahaha.....
prOgram usrah kat cni pON best....
kitOrg pggl I-SMART..hehe...mOre mOdern n suitable 4 us en????
ni prOgram kErjasama STAD N Pembina....
1 lg..ade gak usrah..
unde Institusi Usrah MMU....
kakak2 kat cni baekk2.....
sRonok ngan diorg....
malay is de minOrity grOup at MMU....
chinese is the majOrity grOUp here.....
still, alhamdullilah.....
i dOnt have any pRoblem mixing with Others....
u all understand't???...hehe..
that's a lOt of fun 2 be here.....
i'm mixing with other races.....n also fOreigner here...
they are tall!!!!keh3...
Sri Lanka...Yaman...Saudi..Nigeria..kEnya...sWeden...inDonesia n Dubai....
n de mOst best thing here,
i'm pOlishing my eNGLISh n maNdarin n arabic language ....
stiil trying 2 learn japanese...hehe....
abOUt laSt wEek classes...
it gOne well..alhAMdullilah...hehe..
mR Lim jim, u are really funny with ur pEace!!!:>
i dO alwayz understand with ur teaching style!!!.....
kpd sume kengkwn.....
syukran ssgt ats segala nachat n dOrongan serta galakan kOrg....
dO alwayz b with me....
whenever cOndition i'm....
thanx buddies!!!!!